Data Sharing Agreement

Data-Driven Family Engagement Tools for Head Start and State Preschools

Learning Genie is an app for ECE educators and family service workers for Distant Learning and Family Engagement including tracking in-kind. During the COVID-19 crisis, Learning Genie offers free tools till the end of 2020 under a grant (or in-kind) to support all ECE agencies for Distance Learning and track school readiness outcomes.


Learning Genie also provides a useful application for portfolio-building. The portfolio tracking and tagging systems could be readily applied to DRDP 2015, Florida VPK, Head Start (HS), Early Head Start (EHS), Montessori, and other state or private-backed assessment tools.

We will not sell, lease, or otherwise share any of your or your children’s PII to or with any third party or entity except in the following circumstances:

  1. If you specifically request and authorize us to share PII, we will share only as much of your PII as may be required to fulfill your request.
  2. If you utilize our service in a manner that requires the sharing of PII (i.e., transmitting reports and similar communications to other users).
  3. If requested or required by law enforcement authorities, courts, or regulators, we may disclose any information we have about our users. We also may disclose your PII to exercise or protect our legal rights or those of other users, or to defend against legal claims.
  4. We sometimes contract with other companies and individuals to perform functions or services on our behalf, such as hosting the website, sending email messages, and maintaining our mobile software application (the “App”). We must necessarily share your PII with such third parties as may be required to perform their functions.
  5. In some cases, we may choose to buy or sell assets. In these business transfers, customer information, including PII, is typically one of the business assets that are transferred. Moreover, if all or substantially all of our business assets were acquired, or in the unlikely event that we go out of business or enter into bankruptcy, customer information (including your PII), would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur and that any assets may continue to be used according to your PII as set forth in this policy.