Learning Genie School
Communication Contingency Grant
Free Family Engagement Tool to keep families connected
Educational content to provide awareness how to protect families
and staff during COVID-19 emergency
Two-Way Communication
Establish robust and secure two-way communication (teacher, family service staff, directors) with families using a mobile app with automatic translation to communicate with families that speak other languages.

Provide Continuous Education
Educate families by sending media from channel on “How to Beat COVID-19” “100+ Children’s Books” channel, and more.

School Message
Send batch notifications, including attachments such as flyers or notices, to all or select families and staff with one click.

RSVPs with Reminders
Schedule home visits and school events to track RSVPs with reminders.

Family Engagement Dashboard
Track family engagement data to ensure all families are reached.

1. Is this a free program?
Under the Learning Genie School Communication Contingency Grant, any LEA and Head Start agencies can be eligible for the free service until the end of 2020.
2. Who is eligible for the grant?
This grant is open to all LEA and Head Start agencies who are new to Learning Genie. For existing Learning Genie customers, Learning Genie will offer 1 month of credit through the 2021-2022 school year, or 4 free slots at a Learning Genie Certified Trainer Workshop.
3. How do I get started with the grant?
Simply fill out the grant application form and indicate your needs and starting date. Learning Genie team members will send materials for your LEA to review in order to be entered into the grant. Free set-up and video tutorials will be also provided.
4. How to use Learning Genie through our School System?
The Learning Genie has both app (iOS and Android) and web portal services. It can be activated on mobile phones or tablets. Setting up your first classroom and inviting parents only takes a few minutes. For agencies or LEAs using student information systems, roster import and sync is available at no cost.
5. Is this program secure and FERPA compliant?
Yes, Learning Genie has been in compliance with FERPA and SOPIPA since 2013. All data are securely stored through AWS cloud service, which is also FERPA compliant. The Learning Genie service has been audited yearly through a third-party compliance program, the Internet Keep Safe Coalition© (iKeepSafe), which certifies digital products as compliant with state and federal requirements for handling protected personal information.
6. May I exit the grant and stop using the service at any time?
Yes, this grant is designed to support LEA and Head Start agencies for their contingency school communication plan. Participants may exit at any time, with no strings attached.
7. How do you compare with other two-way communication tools such as Remind?
Learning Genie’s Family Engagement tool is targeted for birth-to-five preschool centers, as well as early elementary schools. Learning Genie provides two-way chats with translation, and group notifications to staff and parents. Its unique Learning Media channel can allow users to share approved content, including video books, activities, and parenting tips to families through Youtube channels for continuing education at home. It can also track at-home activities such as reading. The data dashboard provides information for admin to study communication and engagement outcomes. Unlike Remind, Learning Genie has not included SMS, which is in development as well.
8. I have already a text or voicemail announcing system used in my school district. Do I still need this service?
Learning Genie can be a supplementary system for your communication plan if you already installed certain systems. Instead of just for two-way communication, it is a tool for plans on continued education and other services.
9. How many languages does Learning Genie support?
Learning Genie supports English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese in the Educator app. The two-way communication texts and notifications can be translated into 104 languages for families.
10. What is the child/family member number limit?
Under this grant, Learning Genie has no student/family member count limit. For small agency, you can simply add child/parent from the app. For large agency, we have roster import/sync feature and training guides will be provided.