Jennifer Soule
Head Start Family Services Manager
Mahube-Otwa CAP (Minnesota)
Webinar on: February 26 12:00 PST
Jennifer’s Webinar on February 26 — Parents as Partners: Hearing Families’ Voices
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I’ve been with Mahube-Otwa Head Start for about 22 years. I have worked as a toddler teacher, combo teacher/home visitor, site coordinator, and Family Services Manager. Each position has been my favorite. My favorite thing about our work is meeting families and children where they are in life and watching them dream.
Tell us a little bit about Mahube-Otwa CAP
Our agency is located in Northwest Minnesota. Mahube-Otwa has many programs including Weatherization, Energy Assistance, Housing, Tax Aide, Family Health, Head Start, and more. Our agency values include being client-focused, resourceful, and community-minded. Our mission is to Empower People to Achieve Self Sufficiency.
What can we look forward to in the webinar?
One of our Head Start parents, Gail, will take a deep dive with me into building partnerships with parents and engaging families. After all, parents are their child’s first and most important teacher. Who better to help us learn more about that than a parent of 8 amazing children? I will be pulling from my 20 plus years of experience working with families and Gail will pull from her 20 plus years of raising children to share ideas and lessons learned. I am a true believer that with a strong relationship, anything can happen. “People may not remember what you say to them, but they will always remember how you make them feel.” It is our responsibility to build our parents up which in turn builds up our children.
Why do you love Learning Genie?
It is a great way to engage busy families! Parents can engage on their time. I love the book sharing and the parent resources.